The Comedy Gym

On Saturday October 3, The Comedy Gym, a weekly, English stand-up comedy show, is coming to Curious Monkey.

It’s hosted by Paul Kang and features an ever changing cast of international comedians, of all different backgrounds & journeys. It’s a safe place for comedians, experienced or just starting out, to work out their new material and gain confidence on the stage.

Sometimes there’s a lot of comedians.

Sometimes there’s just a couple.

Sometimes it’s held at a cocktail bar.

Sometimes it’s held in a forested park, overlooking Lisbon as the sun goes down.

It doesn’t really matter what or where.

The Comedy Gym is here to stay, and if you like to laugh or make other people laugh, please follow us @verydrugs on IG. On there you’ll see all our past shows and upcoming shows, their times and locations.

If you have any questions or want to perform, please follow/message a DM to @kangtheartist


Oct 03 2020


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Paul Kang


Paul Kang

O nosso primeiro #curiousemlisboa é Paul Kang. Nascido em Busan, Korea. Criado em Portugal, enquanto frequentava uma escola Americana. Faculdade nos USA. Perdeu a sua virgindade, literal e cómica, em Busan. Organiza o Comedy Gym, um espaço honesto, aberto semanalmente, onde os comediantes podem ir treinar o seu novo material. No dia-a-dia trabalha como professor de inglês para crianças e utiliza a sala de aulas para trabalhar no seu material cómico. Segue-o em @kangtheartist e @verydrugs // Our very first #curiousemlisboa is Paul Kang. Born in Busan, Korea. Raised in Portugal. While going to an American school. College in the USA. Lost his literal and comedy virginity back in Busan. Organizes the Comedy Gym, a weekly open, honest space for comedians to workout their new material. His day job is teaching English to little kids, and he uses the classroom to workout his new material. Follow him at @kangtheartist & @verydrugs