Drawing Monkeys: A Serious Workshop on Being Playful
Desenho de Macacos: Um Workshop Sério sobre Ser Brincalhão
“Esquece tudo o que já aprendeste sobre desenho” foram as primeiras palavras que o meu professor de desenho me disse. Junta-te a mim para um workshop de desenho nocturno onde eu canalizo a sua sabedoria e te guio através de uma série de exercícios concebidos para combater o perfeccionismo, os hábitos e as ideias rígidas que podem atrapalhar o trabalho interessante.
Vamos desenhar macacos – não só porque são o nome da nossa associação cultural – mas também porque são o tema perfeito e expressivo para atingirmos o nosso objectivo. Queremos encontrar a nossa voz brincalhona e experimental.
Esta será uma classe de contradições: uma classe séria sobre como ser lúdico usando exercícios estruturados para ficar desestruturado. Iremos combater activamente o desejo de avançar para o objectivo de um bom desenho, de forma a fazer um trabalho surpreendente e interessante.
Iremos conhecer-nos brevemente, fazer alguns exercícios de aquecimento, e fazer exercícios de desenho guiados a solo e em colaboração (de macacos!) enquanto discutimos o processo criativo e os seus mitos.
Esta aula é para todos aqueles que nunca desenharam antes e para aqueles que carregam um caderno de esboços com eles em todo o lado.
Vais sair com esperança de teres novos amigos, novas ideias sobre como abordar o desenho ou qualquer projecto criativo, e alguns desenhos que te surpreenderam.
“Forget everything you have ever learned about drawing” were the first words my drawing teacher told me. Join me for an evening drawing workshop where I channel his wisdom and guide you through a series of exercises designed to combat the perfectionism, habits, and rigid ideas that can get in the way of interesting work.
We will draw monkeys—not just because they are the namesake of our associação cultural—but also because they are the perfect expressive subject matter to accomplish our goal. We want to find our playful and experimental voice.
This will be a class of contradictions: a serious class about how to be playful using structured exercises to get unstructured. We will actively fight the desire to move towards the goal of a good drawing in order to make surprising and interesting work.
We will get to know each other briefly, do some warm-ups, and do guided solo and collaborative drawing exercises (of monkeys!) all while discussing creative process and its myths.
This class is for everyone—those who have never drawn before and those who carry a sketchbook with them everywhere.
You will leave hopefully having some new friends, new ideas on how to approach drawing or any creative project, and a few drawings that surprised you.
Preço/Price: €15
Idioma/Language: English
Teacher: @i.draw.monkeys
Liz Melchor @i.draw.monkeys
https://www.instagram.com/i.draw.monkeys/Liz learned to draw by accident. She went to a class for what was supposed to be one night and ended up staying for three and a half years. Over that time, she learned to draw in a "different" way, never practicing technique, but instead training those invisible skills of seeing and creative output. More focused on writing at the time, she still was heavily influenced by her drawing practice—the title of her graduate lecture was, "How Learning to Draw Taught me to Write." After a long pause, she refound drawing again when she started Curious Monkey. She is from San Francisco and has lived in Lisbon since late 2018. You can find her drawings at @i.draw.monkeys