A New Wave of Heroines | Community Gathering + Concert
Damos-te as boas-vindas ao nosso encontro comunitário, que visa unir diversos empresárias, activistas e artistas para inspirar conversas, networking e celebrações para amplificar as vozes das Heroínas não cantadas na nossa cidade.
Um painel de empresários e criadores baseados em Lisboa dará uma visão do seu trabalho expansivo e reflectirá sobre as barreiras pessoais, culturais e sistémicas que enfrentam, de forma a criar a mudança que querem ver no mundo.
Este evento é uma excelente oportunidade para conhecer pessoas com a mesma mentalidade, trabalhar em rede e sentir-se inspirado pela nossa nova onda de heroínas.
Além disso, celebramos a nossa noite com música ao vivo da cantora e compositora austríaco-argentina PILMAIQUÉN, que irá apresentar a sua mistura única de Reggae, Dub, Neo Soul, e Psychadelic Rock.
O evento é gratuito e aberto a todos, mas o organizador pede-te para te registares antes de vires: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/a-new-wave-of-heroines-a-networking-event-for-change-makers-tickets-380292243337
We welcome you to our community gathering, which aims to unite diverse entrepreneurs, activists, and artists for inspiring conversation, networking, and celebrations to amplify the voices of unsung Heroines in our city.
A panel of Lisbon-based entrepreneurs and creators will give an insight into their expansive work and reflect on the personal, cultural and systemic barriers they face in order to create the change they want to see in the world.
This event is an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded people, network and feel inspired by our new wave of heroines.
Additionally, we celebrate our evening with live music by Austrian-Argentinian singer and songwriter PILMAIQUÉN, who will perform her unique blend of Reggae, Dub, Neo Soul, and Psychadelic Rock.
The event is free and open to all, but the organizer asks you to register before coming: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/a-new-wave-of-heroines-a-networking-event-for-change-makers-tickets-380292243337

She is My Heroine
She is my Heroine exists to amplify the voices of women in our society. Together, we form a community of frontline practitioners, artists, and changemakers who will help you recognise the heroine within. Through innovative experiences, bold conversations, and free events, we support those who want to lead themselves and others with compassion, creativity and courage. While She is my Heroine focuses heavily on empowering individual women and people who are socially underrepresented in leadership positions, we strongly believe that the path one person takes impacts us all. For us, our journey began in the Philippines, and through our work we aim to honour our origins and challenge the collective systems of oppression that force women into exploitation. Therefore, with all of our experience, you can directly support our fight against the modern slave trade, forced marriages, and human trafficking of women in the Philippines. We work closely with initiatives that liberate women from poverty.